Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shake me

Photo copyright hcvp 2010

As I just posted on my cooking blog I got my double decker spice rack today. Mom bought it for me as a very early birthday gift. And I am very hyper over it.
I have been bitching about wanting a proper spice rack for years. The one I have up till now was a nice little wooden one my Grandfather made for Grandma Perry about 50 years ago. It's a sweet little slab of wood with a little railing on it, but the size and shape of modern spice bottles/containers just do not fit in it.
So today, mom got me this one that turns.

Dude, it's just a spice rack, why so excited?

Shh! Spudgun, don't say such things. It's not "just a spice rack" it's the first ingredient to my uber kitchen, the latest cooking tool that will help to make me more of a domestic goddess. Become a domestic goddess ( or at least you know a really good cook) and I will be better able to entrap... I mean entice a husband. (well all but our favourite tag team, cause you know they don't look like they ever eat. Starting to wonder if they are anorexic. Specially Mr. Shelley. And let's get honest, Mr. Sabin has no butt at all. He could benefit from a pound of butter )

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