Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sexy is as Sexy ....Does?

I am still laughing!

I have talked briefly before about one of my favourite blogs, Seasoned Sex, now I subscribe to that blog and am always delighted when there is a fresh new post sitting in my emails.
Today was no different.

Here is a link to the post in question Ready For Your Sexy Makeover?

Rarely do I find a blog that makes me agree with what the blogger is saying, but in the case of Pamela Tames author of Ride the Pink Elephant always has me cheering and agreeing, and today laughing my ass off.

And I am not small by no means so that is alot of ass to be laughing off.

And today her topic was about feeling sexy, not just looking it. It takes a brave woman to go exposed on the internet naked. And hey I have done it hundreds of times.

Yes I am referring to not having on a stitch of make up.

So relax, what did you think I meant? Naked body no clothes? Dude, I'm some brave but not that crazy.

It all comes down to feeling good about you. I know I know, I sound like some soap box street corner guru waving a self help bible at you covered in sticky notes and yellow hightlighter but it's so true. I think that is why so many women are dating younger men now a days. We have come to the point where we love ourselves much more then we did years ago.

I know I love me more now then I did even 5 years ago.
Back then there was only the beginning stages of confidence and self worth. And let me point out that I did not look half as good when I was younger then as I do now.
Chew on that tasty after thought for a few minutes.
You can find an old photo of me, on this post here which is over 10 years old.

Me summer 2009

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