Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pushing the Boundries of Good Taste

Some guy called me pretty.

What am I suppose to say to that?
Dude I have been waiting my whole life to be called "pretty". And this just ended up leaving me feeling .... blah.
I think I am done. I'm done. I know I said that back in March when I turned 35 but this time, I am done. I will resolve to be a Singleton and throw myself into some sort of hunt for a career.
Which by the way has also eluded me.

So here is the plan for the day, going to the cinema to see Julie/Julia. It's 10:34 AM movie starts at 12:30PM. Let's see if I can get off my single and fabulous ass and get half way across town in time.

Time : 5:17 PM

I ended up going to the cinema. I liked the movie. Not as much as I was hoping I would, but it wad cute. Here's the catch, the book I had, was only half the movie. I ended up heading to the book store :Coles: for the other half of the story. "My Life in France" Julie Child's memoir. I will start that maybe tonight. And let me say, "Sex and the City" audience were women in their teens/20's/30's/40's.
This was an audience of women in their 60's/70's.
I was the youngest person in the cinema.

While I was out bumming around the mall I went on a hunt for a canvas messenger's bag. You know a plan bag with two pockets and a shoulder strap. The two stores that carried messenger's bags where bad, awful.
I walked into this one store and asked the 12 year old working there (hey I am 35 anyone who looks younger then me is 12) if they had any. Which I knew they did as I saw on display in the window. So this 12 year old girl...er boy...um emo it points me to these dren brown coloured things with sparkly pink skulls on it. I spot one that is just beige across the store and ask how much it is.
The 12 year old emo it-"that's a men's bag."

Me- "What's the price?"

The 12 year old emo it - "on sale for $45. But it's a men's bag."

Me -"Is it bigger then my purse? Big enough to carry a few binders?"

The 12 year old emo it -"Yes it should be. It's part of our back to school line. But it's a men's bag. The women's are here" (turns and gestures to the sparkly crap )

Me - "It's a bag. What 's the difference?"

The 12 year old emo it - "The men's line is not designed. Men are less into colour."

Me - "You getting any more in stock soon? Of the plain ones? The men's line?"

The other store had just plastic crap. So no messenger's bag for me today.

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