Friday, April 17, 2009

My Thoughts on TNA Impact for April 16 2009

I thought the ventriloquist act at the beginning of the show was an odd way to start off.... oh wait, that wasn't a ventriloquist and his dummy, that was A.J. Styles saying Jeff Jarrett's lines at the same time Jarrett was saying them so that he knew when his cue was. A.J. when the camera man is in the ring with you they're there to do close ups, keep your mouth closed when you are not speaking otherwise you look foolish.

Speaking of close ups, would the make-up people please go back to beauty school and learn that just because you have the bottle of self tanner and the bucket of blush you don't need to use them both all at once. These are men are they not? Let them look like men and not wax figures.

Bringing the Fallen Angel back was not a shock. Good to see him back, as himself, and on the side of the TNA Front Line. This should be for interesting matches in the X-Division in the coming months. It just seems to me that the X-Division has gotten put on the back burner lately and not up in the spotlight it should be.

I thought the Mick Foley /Cactus Jack interview was well lame.

It was nice to see Chris Sabin in a singles match again. But was it just me or did he look a little rusty in that regard? Normally the only bad thing I have to say about him is his hair, but he seemed off his game a bit. Come to think of it, when was the last time we saw Sabin in a singles match? (if my memory is right wasn't it back in the beginning of the X-Division tournement in December ) And that brings me to my favourite topic of late, his hair. Dude, you're not listening to me when I say your hair is just not a good style (but then again if you did listen to me and cut the hair/shaved your beard I would have nothing to bitch about when it comes to you. Cause otherwise you are kinda on the perfect side)

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