Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm Back

And the road leads to nowhere.
well not really. It my pets leads to me. And Hallowe'en!
So what is so groovy right now in my world? Reading Volume Two of the Tanya Huff Blood Books, listening to the entire Headstones collection (okay not entire I am still missing the cd HiFi) watching a craplode of vampire movies I just bought on dvd. (just in time for a few movie reviews of the Hallowe'en/October season) missing the babies, and still packing for my move out west.
I think we need a photo now.

copywrite hcvp'07

This is me last week in the West Edmonton Mall. As you can tell I did not take this one. Butterfly did. She is the other co-founder of hardcore Vamps Prods. and photos are not her strong point. Yes those are real live flamingos behind me. I just love flamingos!
Okay so more in a few days when I get the rest of the photos uploaded and have settled abit back into my daily routine.

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